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How to impress my girlfriend who loves Python programming language?

 How to impress my girlfriend who loves Python programming language? Here...How to impress my girlfriend who loves Python programming language to              help you make the new concepts, you are learning programming               Languages are really very important. 1.Some ideas:  ->Be a good listener. Ask good questions about what they're talking about.  ->Tell interesting, funny stories. Express yourself well.  ->Know about (and take the person) to a really good restaurant that's not common knowledge. Show respect and courtesy to the staff there. ->Have fun!!! Make the date easy and comfortable, for both of you. ->If the situation allows, bust out some killer dance moves. ->In short, impress a computer programmer in the same way you'd impress anyone else.       Don't try to learn some computer jargon to show that you understand computers...that will only work on people who don't know anything about computers so you'd be using computer jar

Write the key features of the Python programming language what are comment How can you add

😀  Write the key features of the Python programming language what are comment How can you add If you want to learn key features of the Python programming language then read this page carefully.   Here...Write the key features of the Python programming    language, what are comment How can you add          There are some excellent idea to help you make the new concepts, you are learning            1.Simple           2.Robust           3.Supports multiple programming paradigms           4.Compiled as well as Interprete           5.Cross Platform           6.Dynamically Typed Language           7.Object-Oriented Language           8.Large Standard Library           9.Dynamic Memory Allocation          10.Support for Other Languages 1.Simple:    Python is very simple     As compared to other popular languages like     Java and C++, it is easier to code in Python.     Python code is comparatively 3 to 5 times smaller than C/C++/Java code simple Hello world print IN C #include <stdio.h&g

Any type of package needs to install for using many to many relationships in Django

If you are doing work with Django then learn this post it is very usefully   Any type of package needs to install for using many to many relationships in Django     Here...Any type of package needs to install for using many to many relationships in Django           There are some excellent idea to help you make the new concepts, you are learning           as a beginner to Any type of package needs to           install for using many to many relationships in Django explain step by step here... =>Django application has a GM2MField that combines the features            of the standard Django “ManyToManyField” and “GenericForeignKey”.    =>Installation:  >> pip install django-gm2m =>Django’s contenttype framework must be         (django.contrib.contenttypes) mentionned         in the INSTALLED_APPS. INSTALLED_APPS = [    ...    'django.contrib.contenttypes',    ...    'gm2m', ] =>Uses Of django-gm2m:        1.reverse relations        2.prefetching        3

How to become a master in python | How to start python programming to become a master.

😀  How to become a master in python. or How to start python programming to become a master.   There are "10" Excellent tips to help you make the new concepts, you are learning as a beginner to  become a Master in Python programming really very most important: Some Excellent step to Become a Master in Python      1 .Identify Why You Want To Learn Python           1.1.What is Programming Language..?           1.2.Why Python Is Famous..?      2.Learn Python Basics to Advanced level           2.1.Basic Knowledge of Python           2.2.Advanced level of Python      3.How much time do you have to commit to programming..?      4.Choose An offline or Online Course          4.1.What are the advantage of online vs offline learning..?       5.Get Familiar with other programming Languages      6.Flow our tutorial(      7.Coding challenges      8.Discuss all topic with your friend or Coder      9.Make Project              9.1.Minor Project              9.2.

How to become a master in programming language | become expert in programming languages by er prince kumar

If you want to become a master in programming language then you have to learn one thing. master in programming language it's mean's that you have good knowledge of programming. I am going to give you some bonus points for you to become a good programmer and master in coding.   What is a programming language      A programming language is a formal language comprising a set of instructions that produce various kinds of output. Programming languages are used in computer programming to implement algorithms. Most programming languages consist of instructions for computers   What is the need for programming?    Why the need for a programming language? ... The programing language enables us to write efficient programs and develop online solutions such as- mobile applications, web applications, and games, etc. Programming is used to automate, maintain, assemble, measure, and interpret the processing of the data and information.   Why you need to develop the project?  P roject plannin