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How to become a master in python | How to start python programming to become a master.

😀  How to become a master in python. or How to start python programming to become a master.  There are "10" Excellent tips to help you make the new concepts, you are learning as a beginner to  become a Master in Python programming really very most important:

Some Excellent step to Become a Master in Python

     1.Identify Why You Want To Learn Python

          1.1.What is Programming Language..?

          1.2.Why Python Is Famous..?

     2.Learn Python Basics to Advanced level

          2.1.Basic Knowledge of Python

          2.2.Advanced level of Python

     3.How much time do you have to commit to programming..?

     4.Choose An offline or Online Course

         4.1.What are the advantage of online vs offline learning..?

     5.Get Familiar with other programming Languages

     6.Flow our tutorial(

     7.Coding challenges

     8.Discuss all topic with your friend or Coder

     9.Make Project

             9.1.Minor Project

             9.2.Major Project

     10.Practice again and again & Think of the Problem-solving method.

1. Identify Why You Want To Learn Python

Ans-Python is a General-purpose interactive and powerful programming language, It is also a high-level Programming language this programming language is also an Open-Source   Python is a very popular programming language, this programming is large amount os use on Desktop. web Application, game Development...many more filed uses it, and nowadays this programming language is very demand and top programming languages, Because these programming languages, is basically used in Scientific and Numeric value find out, in this programming Languages a large amount of library also available and every library is very useful for human beings.


    1.1.What is Programming Language..?

      Programming is giving a set of instructions to a computer to execute. If you’ve ever cooked using a recipe before you can think of yourself as the computer and the recipe’s author as a programmer. The recipe author provides you with a set of instructions that you read and then follow. The more complex the instructions, the more complex the result!”

      And programming languages are the tools we use to write instructions for computers to follow. Computers “think” in binary — 

     strings of 1s and 0s. Programming languages allow us to translate the 1s and 0s into something that humans can understand and write. A programming language is made up of a series of symbols that serve as a bridge that allows humans to translate our thoughts into instructions computers can understand.

  1.2.Why Python is a Famous programming Language..?

Because of that These programming language, syntax, and code are very simple and easy to understand. if you have no programming languages idea and knowledge, and if have learned Python programming language  you have no need Pre requirement knowledge of other programming languages, so you can directly start and learn python programming languages Zero to Advanced level 

 2.Learn Python Basics to Advanced level

       2.1.Basic Knowledge of Python topic like

       Python Introduction, Features, History, Applications, Install, Path, Example, Python

                 Variables,Keywords,Literals,Operators,Comments,Control Statement,If else

                 for loop,while loop,break, continue,pass,Strings,Strings,Lists,Lists,Tuples,Tuples

                Dictionary,Functions,Files I/O,Modules,Exceptions,Date,Oops,Object Class,Constructors

                Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Multithreading, etc.

        2.2..Advanced level of Python topic like-

           Python Tkinter(GUI), Web Blocker, Database Connectivity, Numpy, Pandas, Django, Flask, Pytorc Pygame, Matplotlib, OpenCV, Openpyxl, Keras, Skit-Learn, Tensorflow...and many more.

3.How much time do you have to commit to programming?

    The amount of time that you have to commit to learning Python programming, for dummies will largely dictate the type of course you take. For example, if you have quit your job and want to learn 

    Python in the shortest amount of time possible, you should probably start with an intensive course

   However, your approach will be completely different if you only have a few hours per week for programming.

   The best thing to do in this case would be to enroll in a self-paced online Python course. These courses usually let you work through things at your own pace, allowing you to spend a few hours learning after work or on the weekend when you get some spare time. Also, here in BitDegree, we believe that everyone deserves to learn.   

4.Choose An offline or Online Course

   The main difference between online and offline learning is location. With offline learning participants are required to travel to the training location, typically a lecture hall, college, or classroom. 

   With online learning, on the other hand, the training can be conducted from practically anywhere in the world.

     4.1.What are the advantage of online vs offline learning..?

            Although online learning has become the preferred method for the majority of learners

            it’s important not to dismiss the benefits of offline training too

With online training courses, you and the course attendees benefit from a more casual, flexible approach. Being unrestricted in regard to location and times means every learner can benefit from the courses.

With offline learning, it’s easier to ensure attendees are paying attention to the training. Some learners also find it easier to retain the knowledge and skills they’ve learned through offline training than they do with online training.

As there are benefits to both learning options, it makes sense to offer a combined online and offline learning approach as a trainer.

5.Get Familiar with other programming languages Resources

     Learning Python basics through an online course is well and good, but what do you do when your course finishes?

     Well, the answer to this is simple you find more resources that will allow you to continue learning and practicing your code!

6..Flow our tutorial( guides.

   tutorial guides are among the developer's most important tools. They outline everything you need to know about a programming language, including its syntax conventions, and best practices. Some people like to have a physical tutorial  

   guide in the form of a book, but 

   I have always found online guides to be the best. The official Python

   Language Reference Guide is a good place to start.

7.Complete Coding challenges

  Online coding challenges and competitions are a great way to practice writing code according to a detailed set of instructions. In some challenges, you will be put up against a fellow coder in a race to get to the solution first. Other challenges will be about getting to the solution in the most efficient way.

8.Discuss all topic with your friend or Coder-

      I don’t think I need to give you much advice on how to approach and practice the alone part. For the in a team, I think I can give you 

      some ideas to think about for getting the most out of that.

“If You Want To Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want To Go Far, Go Together”

   Advantages of discussing with your friends-

      1.Participation by Everybody.

      2. Development of Corporative way of Thinking

      3. Training in Reflective Thinking.

      4. Training in Self-expression.

      5. Learning is made Interesting.

      6.And In Last do enjoy with your Friens.

9.Make Project

             9.1.Minor Project

             9.2.Major Project

       9.1.Manor Project-You should make Some more computer science-based project topics are 

         Data Warehousing and Data Mining Dictionary. Fuzzy Keyword Search in Cloud Computing over Encrypted Data. Web-Based Online Blood Donation System. Web-Based Graphical

         Password Authentication System.

      9.2.Major Project-A lot of people take up web development projects like train reservation

          system, library management system, etc.

          But, I suggest you make something a little more difficult and innovative. Like rainfall

          removal system from videos and pictures, face recognition system, fingerprint 

          recognition system, a game of chess using artificial intelligence, etc.

         If you do things like these, you'll not only learn a lot but you'll get stuff to brag about

10.Practice again and again & Think of Problem solving method.

      Once you've got a pretty good grasp on the Python basics, the best thing that you can do to keep learning is practice. Practice writing code. Go over your notes and practice with any syntax that you aren't completely comfortable with or that you have trouble using. Go to GitHub, download someone else's code, and work through it line by line until you understand what every line is meant to do and how they work together to create the desired program.

However, it is extremely important to remember one crucial thing, even when you are practicing 

    the simplest part of Python programming for dummies:

 That's right, there's no point practicing coding with Python or any other language unless you're doing things the right way. Make sure that you aren't being lazy, that you understand every single line of code that you write, and that you are following any language best practices. If you don't then you're wasting your time, and you will probably end up with all sorts of bad habits.

And It is now time to start writing simple programs to solve simple problems. As mentioned, we will

    be using the Processing language (available for free from for your PC, Windows,

    MAC or Linux system). 

    Processing is a programming language and development environment all in one. It is an easy programming language to get started quickly in producing programs within a visual context.

    That means, it is a simple language that has powerful functionality for creating professional quality visual-based.

   The Processing community has written over seventy libraries to help you produce applications

   that incorporate:

  • Computer vision

  • Data visualization

  • Music

  • Networking

  • IOT..and many more

Conclusion-In this tutorial you will have to learn Excellent 10 very important how to become a Master in Python Programming Language,

                So hope you liked these tutorials. If you have any questions or suggestions related to Python, please comment below and let us know.

                Finally, if you find this post informative, then share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. 

Thank you...


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