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Array Important Questions | logical Question of Arrays | Important Questions of Arrays in java

😂  Arrays Important Question  😂

All the Questions is very important for Interviews and Written Test.

1) Java Program to copy all elements of one array into another array

2) Java Program to find the frequency of each element in the array

3) Java Program to left rotate the elements of an array

4) Java Program to print the duplicate elements of an array

5) Java Program to print the elements of an array

6) Java Program to print the elements of an array in reverse order

7) Java Program to print the elements of an array present on even position

8) Java Program to print the elements of an array present on odd position

9) Java Program to print the largest element in an array

10) Java Program to print the smallest element in an array

11) Java Program to print the number of elements present in an array

12) Java Program to print the sum of all the items of the array

13) Java Program to right rotate the elements of an array

14) Java Program to sort the elements of an array in ascending order

15) Java Program to sort the elements of an array in descending order

16) Find 3rd Largest Number in an Array

17) Find 2nd Largest Number in an Array

18) Find Largest Number in an Array

19) Find 2nd Smallest Number in an Array

20) Find Smallest Number in an Array

21) Remove Duplicate Element in an Array

22) Add Two Matrices

23) Multiply Two Matrices

24) Print Odd and Even Number from an Array

25) Transpose matrix

26) Java Program to subtract the two matrices

27) Java Program to determine whether a given matrix is an identity matrix

28) Java Program to determine whether a given matrix is a sparse matrix

29) Java Program to determine whether two matrices are equal

30) Java Program to display the lower triangular matrix

31) Java Program to display the upper triangular matrix

32) Java Program to find the frequency of odd & even numbers in the given matrix

33) Java Program to find the product of two matrices

34) Java Program to find the sum of each row and each column of a matrix

35) Java Program to find the transpose of a given matrix


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