👉 Real-time project guides lines in my company
Code review comments.
1. Branch name should be aligned to the feature you are developing. Name the branch something like - "Agastya-service"
2. This repository will have just one microservice. You don't need a directory named "SpringBootCurdOperationWithMongoDB".
3. Similarly, the repo name should be Agastya-service
--> your repository name should not have tech stack mentioned, it has to be Agastya-service.
4. DB Url, you have hardcoded in the application.yml. It should be in your local profile. Have profiles created for the application, define it locally, dev, prod. And along with that, create the application-local.YAML, application-dev.yml, application-prod.yml accordingly.
5. In the application.yml define the profile and enable to pick up the profile during the run time. Your run config should have the variable defined for the profile
6. Modal class, instead of student class - create a class "TelemetryEvent" with the following variables.
a. deviceId - PK,String
b. timestamp - timestamp
c. telemetryKey - String
d. telemetryValue - String
7. Never commit any code with commented code. Unless the comment has anything to say to the readers, you shouldn't commit the code with comments.
8. @RequestController - define all the parameters, including the name, value. The base path should be "Agastya" .
9. For each RequestMapping, define the method type and the path. You should be returning a list of telemetry messages, request mapping path should be "telemetry", method = HTTP.GET return type of the method should be <List<TelemetryEvents>> even for a single object. In the parameters, have a parameter to fetch by ID.
10. Don't use setters and getters. Use Lombok library and import them for setters, getters, constructors, parameterized constructors, etc. No boilerplate code at all.
11. Test cases don't do anything. It just starts the application. Have a test class in this case,
a. Create a student, capture the student id. Assert for the student details.
b. find all the students. and filter the student id created. Assert for the ID created and the id in list.
. c. Update the student ID, Assert for the Student ID, and the updates made.
12. Naming conventions have to correct. Do not prefer to start with "_", although it is a convention. Keep close to the objects that you are working on.
13. Graddle config :
. -> group should be "com.technoidentity.agastya"
. -> artifactory = "agastya-service"
14. rootProject.name = 'agastya-service' in settings.gradle
15. README should be in the same folder as that of the project. And the project resources should be the repository.
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