π Real-time project guides lines in my company Code review comments. 1. Branch name should be aligned to the feature you are developing. Name the branch something like - "Agastya-service" 2. This repository will have just one microservice. You don't need a directory named "SpringBootCurdOperationWithMongoDB". 3. Similarly, the repo name should be Agastya-service --> your repository name should not have tech stack mentioned, it has to be Agastya-service. 4. DB Url, you have hardcoded in the application.yml. It should be in your local profile. Have profiles created for the application, define it locally, dev, prod. And along with that, create the application-local.YAML, application-dev.yml, application-prod.yml accordingly. 5. In the application.yml define the profile and enable to pick up the profile during the run time. Your run config should have the variable defined for the profile 6. Modal class, instead of student class - create a class "TelemetryE...
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