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Various keyword present in C programming language OR Describe Various keyword present in C programming language

 Various keyword present in C programming language OR Describe Various keyword present in C programming language

Here...Various keyword present in C programming language Explain tips to 

          help you make the new concepts, you are learning 

          as a beginner to  become a Master in any programming languages really very most important:

A keyword is a reserved word. You cannot use it as a variable name, constant 

name, etc. 

There are only 32 reserved words (keywords) in the C language.

A list of 32 keywords in the c language is given below: 2.break 4.char 5.const 6.continue  7.default

9.double 10.else 11.enum 12.extern 13.float 14.for 15.goto 16.if 18.long 19.register     20.return  21.short        22.signed  23.sizeof  24.static

25.struct 26.switch  27.typedef    28.union   29.unsigned    30.void    31.volatile  32.while

Description of all Keywords in C


The auto keyword declares automatic variables. 

For example:

auto int var1;

This statement suggests that var1 is a variable of storage class auto and type int.

Variables declared within function bodies are automatic by default. 

They are recreated each time a function is executed.

Since automatic variables are local to a function, they are also 

called local variables.

break and continue

The break statement terminates the innermost loop immediately when 

it's encountered. It's also used to terminate the switch statement.

The continue statement skips the statements after it inside the loop for the iteration.

for (i=1;i<=10;++i){

   if (i==3)


   if (i==7)


   printf("%d ",i);


1 2 4 5 6

When i is equal to 3, the continue statement comes into effect and skips 3. When i is 

equal to 7, the break statement comes into effect and terminates the for loop. 

switch, case and default

The switch and case statement is used when a block of statements 

has to be executed among many blocks. For example:



    case '1':

    //some statements to execute when 1


    case '5':

    //some statements to execute when 5



    //some statements to execute when default;



The char keyword declares a character variable. For example:

char alphabet;

Here, alphabet is a character type variable.


An identifier can be declared constant by using the const keyword.

const int a = 5;


int i;



   printf("%d ",i);



while (i<10)

double and float

Keywords double and float are used for declaring 

floating type variables. For example:

float number;

double longNumber;

Here, number is a single-precision floating type variable whereas, longNumber 

is a double-precision floating type variable.

if and else

In C programming, if and else are used to make decisions.

if (i == 1)

   printf("i is 1.")


   printf("i is not 1.")

If the value of i is other than 1, the output will be :

i is not 1


Enumeration types are declared in C programming 

using keyword enum. For example:

enum suit







Here, an enumerated variable suit is created having tags: 

hearts, spades, clubs, and diamonds.


The extern keyword declares that a variable or a function 

has external linkage outside of the file it is declared.


There are three types of loops in C programming. The for loop is written 

in C programming using the keyword for. For example:

for (i=0; i< 9;++i){

  printf("%d ",i);



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


The goto statement is used to transfer control of 

the program to the specified label. For example:

for(i=1; i<5; ++i)


    if (i==10)

    goto error;


printf("i is not 10");


    printf("Error, count cannot be 10.");


Error, count cannot be 10.


The int keyword is used to declare integer type variables. For example:

int count;

Here, count is an integer variable.

short, long, signed and unsigned

The short, long, signed and unsigned keywords are type modifiers 

that alter the meaning of a base data type to yield a new type.

short int smallInteger;

long int bigInteger;

signed int normalInteger;

unsigned int positiveInteger;

Range of int type data types

Data types Range

short int              -32768 to 32767

long int               -2147483648 to 214743648

signed int -32768 to 32767

unsigned int 0 to 65535


The return keyword terminates the function and returns the value.

int func() {

    int b = 5;

    return b;


This function func() returns 5 to the calling function. To learn more, visit C user-defined functions.


The sizeof keyword evaluates the size of data (a variable or a constant).

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    printf("%u bytes.",sizeof(char));



1 byte.


The register keyword creates register variables which 

are much faster than normal variables.

register int var1;


The static keyword creates a static variable. The value of the static variables persists until the end of the program. For example:

static int var;


The struct keyword is used for declaring a structure. A structure can 

hold variables of different types under a single name.

struct student{

    char name[80];

     float marks;

     int age;

}s1, s2;


The typedef keyword is used to explicitly associate a type with an identifier.

typedef float kg;

kg bear, tiger;


A union is used for grouping different types of variables under a single name.

union student {

    char name[80];

    float marks;

    int age;



The void keyword meaning nothing or no value.

void testFunction(int a) {



Here, the testFunction() function cannot return a value because its return type is void.


The volatile keyword is used for creating volatile objects. A volatile 

the object can be modified in an unspecified way by the hardware.

const volatile number

Here, a number is a volatile object.

Since the number is a constant, the program cannot change it. 

However, hardware can change it since it is a volatile object.

Conclusion-In this tutorial you will have to learn Various keyword present in the C programming language

                OR Describe Various keyword present in C programming language

                So hope you liked this tutorial. If you have any questions or suggestions related to Any programming languages, please comment below and let us know.

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 Thank you...


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