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What is python | How to understand python easily | What is the use of Python | with example

                                                     😀  What is Python..? 😂


Python is a programming language it  was developed by Guido van Rossum, a Dutch scientist to create a datacenter

For Mathematics and research Netherland. It is inspired by another

a programming language called "ABC", Guido started Python development as a hobby in 1889


Python is a General-purpose interactive and powerful programming language, It is also a high-level Programming language.

this programming language is also an Open-Source

Python is a very popular programming language, this programming is large amount os use on Desktop.

web Application, game Development...many more filed uses it, and nowadays this programming language

is very demand and top programming languages, Because these programming languages, is basically used in 

Scientific and Numeric value find out, in this programming Languages a large amount of library also available

and every library is very useful for human beings.

Why Python is Famous programming Languages..?

Because of that This programming language, syntax, and code are very simple and easy to understand.

if you have no programming languages idea and knowledge, and if have learned Python programming languages

you have no need Pre requirement knowledge of other programming languages, so you can directly start and learn 

python programming languages Zero to Advanced level

Feature of Python-

(i)Compiled as well as Interpreted




(v)Extensive Library


(vii)Dynamically Typed

Python is very simple As compared to other popular languages like Java and C++,

 it is easier to code in Python. Python code is comparatively 3 to 5 times smaller than C/C++/Java code

IN C programing language 

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

     printf("Hello Bhopal!");

     return 0;



IN PYTHON programing language 

print('Hello Bhopal!')


IN JAVA  programing language 

public class HelloWorld


      public static void main( String[] args ) 


            System.out.println( "Hello Bhopal!" );    



                                                         Add two Number

IN C programing language 

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int a=10,b=20;

printf(“Sum is %d”,a+b);

return 0;



IN JAVA  programing language 

public class HelloWorld{

      public static void main( String[] args ) {

int a=10,b=20;

System.out.println( “Sum is “+(a+b));    




IN PYTHON programing language 


print(“Sum is”a+b)

#It's very easy only two line code.

Advantages of Python?

1.Python is Developer Friendly programming Languages

2.Python have a large collection of Library

3.Python is scripting language...many more


The disadvantage of Python?

1.Python languages are slow execution time compare to c,c++, Java.

2.Pythin is not Suitable for mobile development

3.Python is a very easy Programming Languages so ofter learning other programming languages 

then maybe some phases difficulty problem...many more


How to understand python easily?

We are so happy because you have decided to learn Python programming Languages.easily 

so arise one most common question is how to understand Python easily. Today I want to give some best way to learn easily

1.Promise yourself, make a plan how much, I will complete the topic every day. Because we have very need to first make a plan and decide how many topics will be covered, this step is very most to before start any programming languages

2.Learn Theory of python and code Practice every day.

This way is really very good, famous quotes "practice makes a man perfect" promise yourself. I will Theory as well as practice every day. if you have practice every day you will have definitely remember every topic, Every topic Syntax, and code as easy to understand code 

3.Small take breaks.

  take breaks is also called the Pomodoro technique, you should have every 30 minutes take a break, and some walking, drink water boost energy, and start 

  your practice and try to understand code and enjoy it

4.Discuus your topic who is learning.

 this technique is very useful when you will be discussed the topic with your friend then your concept will clear be confidence those topics

5.Practice competitive programming.

  This is most way, when you will be practice every day, you will know everything(syntax, code), and when you will practice 

  on comparative programming like on Hackerrank, GreekforGreek

  you will definitely confidence in python

6.Make small projects.

  when you have practice a lot on competitive programming, then make a small project like 

    simple calculator app

    simple small game

    music player

    after complete a small project then think a big idea and make a bigs project.

so this is the most six-step, if you have followed this step, you will definitely master in this programming languages


What is the use of Python...with example..?

Python is a very large area like

 (i) GUI Application

 (ii)Web Application

(iii)Data Analysis

(iv) Machine Learning

(v) Raspberry Pi

(vi)Game Development

 (vi)Software Development

 (vii)system Administration

(i) GUI Application-In python also graphics available to used for GUI apps all the time in python  famous library 

    like-PyQt, Tkinter, PyGObject, Pyside,kivy, WxPython, etc.

(ii)Web Application-We can use Python to create web applications, There are many python best framework 

like Django, Bottle, Torrando, Flask web2py, etc

(iii)Data Analysis-

   Python is the lead languages of choice for the Data scientist, it is a very popular carrier filed in the future .its excellent library 

   like Numpay, Pandas, Scipy.

(iv) Machine Learning-In machine learning is about making a prediction with is very highly used in

      face recognition, music recommendation, and Breast cancer.These excellent libraries in Python like SciKit-Learn, Tensorflow, etc.

(v) Raspberry Pi-

     What is Raspberry Pi..?

    Definition-The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or

    TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse.

    It can do almost everything a normal desktop can do 

 We can build the Home Automation System and even robots 

   using Raspberry-PiThe coding on a Raspberry Pi can be performed  

   using Python

(vi)Game Development-We can write whole games in Python using PyGame.

Popular games developed in Python are:

->Civilization IV 

->Battlefield 2

->Eve Online

->Freedom Force 

(vi)Software Development-In python also can software 

      development tools like-Buildbot, Roundup, etc

(vii)system Administration-In Python also can System Administration like famous tools-Salt, OpenStack.


Conclusion-In this tutorial you will have to learn what is python, how to understand python easily, and what is the use of python.

    So hope you liked these tutorials. If you have any questions or suggestions related to Python, please comment below and let us know.

    Finally, if you find this post informative, then share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. 

   Thank you?


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