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WHAT IS HTML AND ITS BASICS | What is the use of html | What is html basic tag | by monika

😅Hi guys, I am going to discuss what is HTML  and its basics.😜

        Before am going to discuss this topic I would like to give a little information about the browser.

What is mean by a Browser?👍

Browser is a client-side lightweight software takes HTTP request from a client to a server and renders Http response from the server to the client.


​Mozilla Firefox

​Google Chrome

​Internet Explorer

​IE Edge

​UC Browser


​Apple Safari.......

 How a Browser works?

The browser consists of three very important layers.

​Presentation layer(UL)/ Front end

​Business logic layer/ middle( coding)

​Data Access layer/ Back end ( for storage)

 Whenever the Http request from the client site (presentation layer)gets it is sent to the remote web server(business logic layer)request processed and then to go to the Database driver (Data access layer).

After completion of request processing, the HTTP response coming from the database to the server and then to the client site.

I think you got some idea of how a browser works. Now let us go into the topic of HTML.

Introduction to HTML:

HTML is a standard markup language used to create web pages, developed by Sir Tim Berbers Lee. Any web page you see on the Internet is written using HTML code. 

          All the HTML elements are represented by HTML tags (e.g. <title>). The browser does not show these HTML tags but with the help of HTML tags, they display the content of the page.


​Highly flexible

​User friendly

​Open source technology

​Consistent and efficient

​Takes less time to load the web pages


​It can create only static and plain pages.

​Need to write a lot of code.

​Security features are not good at HTML.


HTML(1991),HTML 2.0,HTML 3.2,HTML 4.01,HTML 5,HTML 5.1( 2016).

You may have a doubt what is a static web page? Here we go.what is a web page actually?

#Web page

The web page is an electronic document on the world wide web. These are classified into the following two types. 

Static web page: Users cannot interact directly with these web pages. Ex:HTML,CSS

​Dynamic web page: Users can directly interact with these web pages.


To create these web pages we use DHTML.

Structure of HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Page Title HERE</title>



<h1>Heading goes here</h1>

<p>Paragraph goes here.</p>




<!DOCTYPE HTML > declaration must be the very first thing in your HTML document before the <html> tag.

Tag: The text place between left angular brace'<'  and right angular brace '>'is called TAG or ELEMENT.





         Tags are classified into two types:

​paired tags

​non-paired tags

The root element of an HTML page is <html>, It’s end tag is </html>. Every element in HTML has a starting tag ( <tagname> ) and an end tag (</tagname>). The root element starts at the start of HTML code and ends at the end of HTML code.

     The header contains information about the document that will not appear on the actual page.such as the title of the document. 

     The title tag defines the title that will appear in the title bar of your web browser. The title must appear between the head tags.

Inside the body tag, while using headings we use <h1> tag for most important heading, <h2> for next important heading & so on <h6> for least important headings.

<h1>Heading 1 goes here </h1>

<h2>Heading 2 goes here </h2>

……..and so on.

In a similar way, we can use HTML tags for paragraphs.The starting tag for a paragraph is <p> and the ending tag is </p>.

<p> Paragraph goes here.</p>

        The body tags contain all the information and other visible content on the page.All the images,links and plain text must go between the < body> and </body> tags.

 I hope this information will helpful to you guys. If you have any doubt's you can ask and let me know your thoughts about this post in the comment box.

Thank you!


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