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Top 33 Flask Interview Questions | Python Flask Interview Questions

 ðŸ˜€ There are "33" Excellent Flask Interview Questions to help you make the new concepts, you are learning as an interview Purpose. It's really very most important:😂

1.Flask is a web framework that provides libraries to build lightweight 

Ans-web applications in python. It is developed by Armin Ronacher who leads an international group of Python enthusiasts (POCCO). 

      It is based on the WSGI toolkit and jinja2 template engine. 

      Flask is considered as a micro framework.

 Its means Flask is a web microframework for Python based on “Werkzeug, 

      Jinja 2 and good intentions” BSD licensed. Werkzeug and jinja are two of its dependencies.

2. What is the difference between Django, Pyramid, and Flask?

Ans: Flask is a “microframework” primarily build for a small application with simpler requirements. In a flask, you have to use external libraries. 

      Flask is ready to use. Pyramids are built for larger applications. 

      It provides flexibility and lets the developer use the right tools for their project. The developer can choose the database, URL 

      structure, templating style, and more. The pyramid is heavily configurable.

3.What is Flask-WTF and what are their features?

Ans: Flask-WTF offers simple integration with WTForms. Features include for Flask WTF are

    1.Integration with webforms

    2.Secure form with the cs-rf  token

    3.Global cs-rf protection

    4.Internationalization integration

    5.Recaptcha supporting

    6.File upload that works with Flask Uploads

4.Explain how can you structure a large Flask application?

Ans: To structure a large flask application, here are the following steps

Stick to the functions and move them to different files, as long as you 

      are assured that it will get imported when the applications start

      Use blueprints to assign the views to “categories”. For instance auth, profile, backend, etc.

      Use the underlying Werkzeug URL map and register functions on there on a central 

      URL mapFlask is part of the micro-framework. Which means it will have little to no dependencies on external libraries. It makes the framework light while there is a little dependency to update and fewer security bugs.

5.Explain how can you structure a large Flask application?

Ans: To structure a large flask application, here are the following steps

Stick to the functions and move them to different files, as long as you are assured that it will get imported when the applications start Use blueprints to assign the views to “categories”. For instance auth, profile, backend, etc. Use the underlying Werkzeug URL map and register functions on there on a central URL map

6.What is the difference between the “g” variable and “session” in the flask?

Ans: “g” is data shared between different parts of the codebase within one request cycle. For example, a database connection or the user that is currently logged in. While session provides you a storage place to store data for a specific browser. Which means using a specific browser, returns for more requests.

7.Explain how do you get a query string from the flask?

Ans: To get query string from the flask, here we want to 

       get the value of user so we will follow the steps as below

from flask import request


def data ( ) :

user = request.arg.get (‘user’)

8.What is a Thread-Local object in Flask?

Ans: Flask uses thread-local objects internally so that the user doesn’t have 

      to pass objects around from function to function within a request in 

      order to stay threadsafe. This approach is useful, but it requires a 

      valid request context for dependency injection or when 

      attempting to reuse code which uses a value pegged to the request.

9.Who is the developer of Flask?

Ans-Armin Ronacher is the developer of Flask.

10.What is Flask Sijax?

Ans-Flask Sijax is a Simple Ajax & jQuery library. It is used to enable 

      Ajax in web applications. It uses JSON to pass data between the server and the browser.

11.How can we get a query string from the Flask?

Ans-We can get a query string from the flask by using the following function.


    def data ( ) :

    user = request.arg.get (‘user’)

12.How can we create request context in Flask?

Ans-We can create request context by using the following ways.

Automatically when the application receives a request

OR manually, by calling app.test_request_context (‘/route?param=value)

13.What are the attributes of request objects?

Ans-There are various attributes of request objects:

             Attributes Description

             Form       It is a dictionary object containing a key.

             Args       It parsed contents of query string which is part of URL after the question mark (?).

             Cookies       Dictionary object holds Cookie names and values.

             Files       Data pertaining to uploaded files.

             Method      Current request method.

14) What are the Mail class methods?

Ans-There are the following Mail class method:

      1.send(): It is used to send the contents of the Message class object.

      2.connect(): It is used to open connections with the mail hosts.

      3.send_message(): It is used to sends message objects.

15.What is the extension of Flask?

Ans-The extension of Flask is .Py

16.What is the default port of Flask?

Ans-The default port of Flask is 5000.

17.What is url_for() function in Flask?

Ans-In Flask, the url_for() function is used to build a dynamic URL for specific functions.

18.What are the HTTP methods in Flask?

Ans-In Flask, the HTTP methods are given below:

      1.GET: It is used to send the data in unencrypted form to the server.

      2.HEAD: It is the same as getting, but without the response body.

      3.POST: It is used to send HTML form data to the server. Data received by the POST method.

      4.PUT: It is used to replaces all the current representation uploaded content

      5.DELETE: It is used to removes all current reorientation.

19What is the default route request in Flask?

Ans-In Flask, GET is the default route request.

20.What are the error codes in Flask?

Ans-In Flask, the error code is given below:

       400 − for Bad Request.

       401 − for Unauthenticated.

       403 − for Forbidden.

       404 − for Not Found.

       406 − for Not Acceptable.

       415 − for Unsupported Media Type.

       429 − Too Many Requests.

21.What is ORM?

Ans-ORM stands for Object Relation Mapping. 

It is a technique of mapping the object parameters.

22.What is WSGI?

Ans-WSGI stands for Web Server Gateway Interface. 

It is used for python web application development.

23.Mention How You Can Enable Debugging In Flask? When 

      Enabling Debugging In Flask Can Be Useful?

Ans-There are two ways you can enable debugging in Flask.

      Either set the flag on the application object

      OR pass it as a parameter to run

      If you enable debug support the server will reload itself when 

      code changes and you don’t have to manually 

      restart after each change to the code.

24.What are the HTTP methods provided by Python Flask?

Ans-HTTP methods are used to retrieve data from an URL:

      1.GET: The GET is the method that sends data to the server unencrypted.

      2. HEAD:  HEAD is similar to GET, but that it has no response body.

      3. POST: The POST server does not cache the HTML form data that it sends

      4. PUT: It is the method in which the uploaded content replaces current data representations of the target resources.

      5.DELETE: This method removes the current representations of the target resource that is suggested by a URL.

25.What do you mean by template engines in Flask Python?

Ans-When users built a website they often face the problem to keep the style of the website consistent. Sometimes the users have had to write multiple times the same text when they ever try to change the style of such websites. If the website contains only a few pages, changing its style will take the users only some time which is doable. However, if they have a lot of pages (for example the list of items sold in a mall), this task becomes monotonous and hectic. Using templates the users may set a basic layout for all their pages and provide which element needs to be changed frequently. Using this the way the users can define their header once and keep it consistent in all the pages of their website, and if they need to change their header, they will only have to update it in one place. Making use of a template engine will 

       save the users a whole lot of time not only while they create their application but also when they are updating and maintaining it.

26.What are the advantages of Flask Python?

Ans-Flask Python comes with all the advantages of Python and some additional 

     pros of it are:

     Flasks' design is lightweight and modular. Therefore, it is easy to transform it into the web applications or framework when one needs very few extensions without weighing much.

     Flask is ORM-agnostic: i.e. user can plug in their favorite ORM like SqlAlchemy

     The basic foundation of API is very nicely shaped and made coherent.

     Documentation of flask is very comprehensive, filled with lots of examples, and is well structured. Users can even try out some sample applications to really get the real feel of Flask.

     It is very easy to deploy Flask in production as Flask comes with 100% WSGI 1.0 compliant

     Flask can handle HTTP request easily with help of its functionalities

     It is highly flexible. Its configuration is even more flexible than that of 

     Django, which gives its users plenty of solutions for every product they need.

27.What is Flask-WTF and what are their features?

Ans-Flask-WTF is featured to offer simple integration 

      with WTForms. The Features include for Flask WTF are:

      Provides Integration with web forms

      Is a very secure form as it comes with a CSRF token

      Provides global CSRF protection

      Comes with internationalization integration

      Also features Recaptcha supporting

      Contains File upload that closely works with Flask Uploads

28.How long can an identifier be in Flask Python?

Ans-In Flask Python, an identifier can be of any length. 

      Also, there are certain rules that the users must follow to name an identifier It should begin with a character or an underscore or from A-Z or a-z.

      The rest of the name of the identifier can contain anything from the following: A-Z or a-z or 0-9 or _. Flask Python is case-sensitive so it will treat upper case and lower case letters differently.

      There are certain words, which are reserved in Python called keywords, and they cannot be used as identifiers. Some of them are listed below:

      and, def, false, import, not, true, as, del, finally, in, or, try, assert 

      else if for, is, pass, while, break, else, from, lambda, print, with, class 

      except, global, none, raise, yield, continue, exec, if, nonlocal, return

29.What do you mean by template engines in Flask Python?

Ans-When users built a website they often face the problem to keep the style of the website consistent. Sometimes the users have had to write multiple times the same text when they ever try to change the style of such websites. If the website contains only a few pages, changing its style will take the users only some time which is doable. However, if they have a lot of pages 

       (for example the list of items sold in a mall), this task becomes monotonous and hectic.

      Using templates the users may set a basic layout for all their pages and provide which element needs to be changed frequently. Using this way the users can define their header once and keep it consistent in all the pages of their website, and if they need to change their header, they will only have to update it in one place. Making use of a template engine will save the users a whole lot of time not only while they create their application but also when they are updating and maintaining it.

30.What are the major differences between Pyramid and Flask?

Ans-Flask can be stated as a micro framework, which is solely built for a 

      small application, which has simpler requirements. In a flask, the users have to use external libraries. Flask is always ready to use.

      Pyramid, on the other hand, is built for larger applications as it provides flexibility and allows the developer to use the right features for their project. The developer can choose the database, templating style 

      URL structure and more. The pyramid is therefore heavy configurable.

31.Explain how can one-request database connections in Flask?

Ans-Flask framework allows its users to request databases in three ways. They are as follows:

      before_request()-These connections are called before making a request and no arguments are passed

      after_request(): These connections are called after making a request and a response is passed that will be sent to the client.

      teardown_request(): These connections are called in a situation where an exception is raised and the response is not sure to get. 

      They are also called after the construction of a response. 

      These are not allowed to change the request, and their values can be ignored.

32.Explain can a request context be created in Flask Python?

Ans-A request profile in Flask Python can be created in two ways:

On its own or auto when the application receives a request from the system

     Manually that is by calling app.test_request_context.

33.Mention how one can enable debugging in Flask Python?

Ans-There are two ways by which users can enable debugging in Flask. They are as follows:

      By setting the flag on the applications object

      Bypassing the flag as a parameter to run. If the user is enabling to debug support, the server will reload it when the code will change and the user doesn’t have to restart after each change made in the code.

Conclusion-In this tutorial you will have to learn Flask(Python framework) Excellent 

                top "33" famous Interview question and Answer 

                So I hope you liked these tutorials. If you have any questions or suggestions related to Flask interview purposes please comment below and let us know.

                Finally, if you find this post informative, then share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. 

 Thank you...


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