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#SortingArrayElement #sorting #ArraySorting #erprince SORT THE ARRAY EL...

Java interview Question to sorting the Array element's

See you are new to java or i might have suggested you to use Hash Map or other Collection classes.

So lets forget it but look don't be in hurry to print the elements first sort them.
And as you are having its name associated with it you have to also take care of the same.

So first find the number of lines in the file and then allocate that much space to array but for 2 arrays
take 1 array for storing names
another for storing values
suppose you got number of element in variable size so
String[] name = new String[size];
int[] value = new int[size];
This will save memory or else you can set anything default

Then one by one pick it from file and place it by splitting.
But remember you will get values in String so you have to parse to get int
here it goes
get is a string array
value[i] = Integer.parseInt(get[i]);
value[i] = Integer.parseInt(get[i].trim());// If it wont work then string might be not trimmed.
After that check for bubble or any sorting technique to rearrange them by number
String temps = "";
int tmpi = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < size; j++) {
if (value[i] < value[j]) {
//Just swap values
tempi = value[i];
value[i] = value[j];
value[j] = tempi;

//Now also swap the respective names
temps = name[i];
name[i] = name[j];
name[j] = temps;
}//End if
}//end j loop
}//end i loop

Now print them...

Its so easy isn't it.
hello_everybody · 9 years ago
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