😁 Base 64 Example: In this example, we are going to learn about How to encrypt a password and decodes the password in the java program language. With this article, we will understand What is encoding and decoding in java with the Base64 class. import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Base64; class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter Password"); String password=sc.next(); System.out.println("Encode password: "+encode(password)); String encode=encode(password); System.out.println("Decode Password: "+decode(encode)); } //Encode: public static String encode(String input) { return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(input.getBytes()); } //Decode: public static String decode(String input) { byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(input); return new String(decodedBytes); } }
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